Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hair.... up there !!

I got a new look recently. I went bald.

The next day was very different from other days. I walked outta my room, roamed around in the campus the way I always do....but hey...I didn't have to stop and talk to my college mates...the reason...You guessed it right I guess...I had a new hairstyle...hairstyle..? I mean...head-style or whatever... ( I recommend you  go check the dictionary).

I didn't do that to look cool...It was some ritual....In any case I wasn't looking cool anyway.However, I noted this amazing importance that our hairstyle has, in terms of how we look. Trust me, the closest of my pals, the guys n chicks who hang around with me all day, were not making out that it was "bloody me...!!!"...

Probably that's the reason why the modern barbers (aka hair dressers/designers) charge you so much...After all they change you so much....

Moral of the story...if you think that your looks suck...go change your hairstyle**....Good luck.

**conditions apply

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