It happened in India once again. Three years ago, a minnow in the Indian Cricket History, named ICL was nipped in the bud. Lalit Modi, who is now undergoing a Steve Jobs treatment, joined hands with the BCCI to create IPL, the Indian Premier League...'League' is what I said.
Unfortunately, the mere pressure to kill the ICL was so much, that either the body or Modi, didn't find time to check with the dictionary for what the word 'league' means. "Oops...!!", they must have said after a couple of months, but by then, it was too late.
The IPL, as it turns out, is no league. Teams battle it out for 14 matches each, and then its a knockout. Sad, isn't it..? If they could copy the name from EPL, just like the me-too products in town, they should at least have kept their word...the league.
Anyways,being a Sachin fan,I am happy that Aamchi Mumbai Indians have just won the IP'L'.
(For the confused raeder, I know very well that league means 'an association of teams or clubs that compete chiefly among themselves'. There is however, another usage of league, opposite in meaning to 'knockout'.)
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